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Hair Restoration Videos

Hair Restoration Videos

Dr. Cesar's

Hair Restoration Journey

Dr. Cesar underwent an FUT hair transplant in 2005 but was still lacking the density and growth he was looking for. He decided to undergo an FUE transplant in January of 2022 and documented his journey to show his patients. 

From the morning of the procedure to seven months post-op, Dr. Cesar explains the process, shows the procedure, and provides updates to teach patients what to expect when getting an FUE hair transplant. 

Dr. Cesar believes in his work so much that he underwent one of his procedures himself. Watch his hair restoration journey to learn more about this procedure to restore natural hair growth to your scalp. 

The Hair Restoration Journey Begins

The Hair Restoration Journey Begins

It’s the morning of Dr. Cesar’s FUE Hair Transplant. He has gone through all pre-op instructions, his hair has been cleansed with an antimicrobial agent, and he’s ready to start his hair restoration journey.

Dr. Cesar image in his Hair Restoration journey.

Ready. Set. Transplant.

Dr. Cesar is at the facility. His head has been buzzed and the lines have been marked by the doctor. With a buzzed head, you can see the full extent of his hair loss. Dr. Cesar is very excited to start the procedure. 

Dr. Cesar in Scalp Preparation

Scalp Preparation

The doctor uses a vibration tool to help minimize the pain as he injects local anesthetic to the transplant site. Dr. Cesar says it helps with the initial pinch and makes the scalp preparation less painful. 

Dr. Cesar in Graft Harvesting

Graft Harvesting

Watch as the doctor harvests hair follicles from the area of Dr. Cesar’s scalp that does not have hair loss. He will use these grafts to implant them in the areas affected by hair loss to help Dr. Cesar grow hair naturally. 

Dr. Cesar Getting Ready for Implantation

Getting Ready for Implantation

The doctor breaks out the vibration tool again to prepare the implantation area. The vibration tool helps distract from the pinch of the needle. The anesthetic helps numb the scalp to make the procedure as pain-free as possible. 

Creating Implantation Sites

Creating Implantation Sites

Now that the scalp has been numbed, the doctor uses a special tool to create implantation sites. This part of the procedure is a little bloody, but rest assured that Dr. Cesar isn’t in any pain. The local anesthetic is doing its job. 

Putting in the Implants

After the implantation sites have been created, it’s time to implant the grafts harvested earlier. You can see the doctor take each individual follicle and insert it into the implantation site to help fill in the hair line. 

Post-Op Day 1: Let the Healing Begin

It’s the day after Dr. Cesar’s hair transplant, during which the doctor took grafts from the backs and sides of his head and transplanted them to the hair line and crown. Dr. Cesar is experiencing very little pain and is recovering nicely. 

Post-Op Day 4: Feeling Good

Four days after the hair transplant procedure, Dr. Cesar no longer has to wear the bandage and is feeling good. He admits mild discomfort on day 3, but nothing Tylenol and Ibuprofen couldn’t handle. He’s excited to start seeing results. 

Post-Op Day 8: Recovery Tips

Eight days post FUE hair transplant and Dr. Cesar is feeling great. He gives an overview of the difference between FUE and FUT transplants and offers solutions for minimizing the appearance of the scar left behind by FUT hair transplants.

Post-Op Week 2: Status Report

Dr. Cesar is feeling optimistic two weeks after his FUE hair transplant. Tag along as he gives a tour of his scalp and details exactly what was done during his procedure and what to expect as the scalp heals after a hair transplant. 

Post-Op Month 7: Final Results

Dr. Cesar shows his results seven months after his FUE procedure. He outlines ways to maintain the hair growth such as vitamins by LockRx and topical creams. He can discuss these options with you during your consultation. Are you ready to start your hair restoration journey?

Dr. Cesar Aristeinguieta poses with advanced hair restoration technology for the biography section of ILEA Hair Restoration's About Us page.

Start Your Hair Restoration Journey with Cesar A. Aristeiguieta, MD, FACEP

When you begin experiencing hair loss, hair thinning, or a receding hairline, it can be difficult for your self-esteem and mental wellbeing. Dr. Cesar Aristeiguieta is the leading hair transplant provider in Houston, Texas, capable of helping anyone dealing with hair loss find the best solutions.

Dr. Aristeiguieta is the founder of ILEA Hair Restoration. “Dr. Cesar,” as his patients call him, is Board Certified Emergency Physician and Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians. He has practiced for over 23 years at facilities in Texas, Louisiana, and California.

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